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Friday, December 4, 2009

Eyestrain: Causes, Symptoms, and Remedies

Most of us have experienced that tired achy felling that seems to come from "somewhere directly behind the eyes". What actually causes eye strain and what can you do to alleviate it? Is this an "adult" problem, or can it affect any age?

Ten to fifteen years ago the answer to the second question would have been; yes, this is an adult problem. In todays' era of technology it has broadened out to include younger and younger populations. Children are being introduced to computers today in kindergarten , learning toys being marketed to parents for toddlers using a TV screen and a picture touch board--this is a problem that is going to snowball in the coming years.

You will need to become proactive on protecting the sight of yourself as well as your children. How can you do that? Finding a reputable Optomitrist and having yearly eye exams is essential to maintaining eye health. Not only can a good Optomitrist spot a potential eye problem before it becomes a problem, they can also spot other health problems that might be lying dormant in your body by examining the interior of the eye.

Low oxygen levels, high blood pressure, tumors, and of course diabetes, are a few of the diseases that can affect your vision. When you notice a sudden change in your vision with no apparent reason,it is always best to call for a checkup. 

Causes of eyestrain vary:
 Focusing your eyes on any one object ,such as a computer screen for example, in an enclosed area.
Working under fluorescent lighting can cause eyestrain as well as trigger migraines in some people.
Working or playing in bright sunlight without proper eye protection. any of these can cause you to suffer from eyestrain.

Computer Fatigue Syndrome can result from spending long periods staring at a computer screen.
As I said earlier this is not limited to adults working behind desks all day. This disease is invading our youth through hours spent playing video games without adequate breaks to rest the eyes-- After using computers during school hours.
Symptoms of CFS are: dry eyes(from staring without blinking) heaviness of the eyelids(and you thought it was the double burger you had for lunch!) flicks of light in vision and headaches. In many cases you may experience neck and back pain, depending on how your work station is set up or how your posture is while playing games.

What can you do to reverse Computer Fatigue Syndrome?
Break up the time spent with your eyes focused on the screen. Look away from the screen to papers on your desk or to objects across the room or cubicle. This gives your eyes a short rest period. They are not constantly trying to focus at close range.
Stretch your back and flex your muscles to keep them from remaining in one position for too long.
Remember to blink. This allows the eye to naturally lubricate itself through the tear process.

Bright Sunlight
Most have learned to wear sunscreen when you are going to be outside in the sunlight: to protect from ultra violet rays that cause cancer, sunburning and premature aging of the body.  Your eyes need the same care. No matter the age, if you are in glare conditions outside -you need to invest in a good pair of polarized sunglasses.  Ultra Violet rays and glare from the sun are the cause not just of eyestrain, but have also been linked to macular degeneration. Polarized sunglasses should be used winter and summer to protect the eyes.

Most of these are common sense rules that are not costly and will  help the health of you and your family's eye for the rest of your-- and their lives. Work on developing good eye health habits for the life of your eyes.

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